This year marks the seventh of our joint symposia. It is entitled “Navigating Sustainable Development amid Uncertainty and Change” and we will focus on several topics that are of mutual interest to our two universities, and to share relevant research, promote links, and discuss collaboration opportunities. These areas also have great potential to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN and the global public good.
This year’s joint symposium is chaired by Prof Yasushi Umeda, one of the strategic partnership leaders from the University of Tokyo. Prof Anne Ferguson-Smith, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and International Partnerships of the University of Cambridge, and Prof Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President of The University of Tokyo, will give opening remarks. Attendees will be able to choose a parallel session to attend from the following topics: Gender Equality, Circular Economy, and Biotechnology and Governance. Following the parallel sessions, Prof Satoshi Watanabe, Deputy Director of the Division for Global Campus Initiatives at the University of Tokyo, will conclude the event.
Please click the individual sessions below for details:
Gender Equality
Circular Economy
Biotechnology and Governance
Registration starts 7th November 2022.

Yasushi Umeda
Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering (RACE)
School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo
Yasushi Umeda is a Full Professor in RACE (Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering), School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He holds BE, ME, and Dr. Eng. in Precision Machinery Engineering from the University of Tokyo. He authored/edited 29 books, over 150 peer-reviewed articles, and has 19 patents granted/pending. Five of his papers won best paper awards in scientific journals and international conferences. His research interests include circular economy, smart manufacturing systems, life cycle engineering, eco-design, sustainability science, and design theory; especially, his current research interests include development and implementation of the concept of Digital Triplet.

Anne Ferguson-Smith
Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and International Partnerships
University of Cambridge
Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and International Partnerships at the University of Cambridge. She is the Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics, President of the Genetics Society and a member of the UKRI BBSRC Council. She is a Fellow of Darwin College.
Professor Ferguson-Smith is a mammalian developmental geneticist and epigeneticist. Her team studies the epigenetic control of genome function with particular emphasis on epigenetic inheritance and she is an expert on genomic imprinting. Her research group is made up of both experimental and computational scientists and her work takes interdisciplinary approaches to consider stem cells and the epigenetic programme, functional genomics and epigenomics, and the interaction between the environment and the genome in health and disease within and across generations.
She was elected to EMBO in 2006, to the UK Academy of Medical Sciences and the Society of Biology in 2012, she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2017. She has received several awards; most recently in 2021 she was recipient of the Royal Society's Buchanan Medal and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility's Anne McLaren Distinguished Scientist Award.

Kaori Hayashi
Executive Vice President, Professor
The University of Tokyo
Kaori Hayashi is Professor of Media and Journalism Studies at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo. She is Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo in charge of global and diversity affairs, as well as Director of the B’AI Global Forum, which was set up within the Institute for AI and Beyond at the University of Tokyo. Her most recent English publications include “The Silent Public in a Liberal State: Challenges for Japan’s Journalism in the Age of the Internet” in The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism. Japan and the World Order. Edited by Yoichi Funabashi and G. John Ikenberry. Brookings Institution Press, 2020, 325-358; “Gendered power relations in the digital age: An analysis of Japanese women’s media choice and use within a global context” in Feminist Media Studies. 2021.

Satoshi Watanabe
Deputy Director
Division for Global Campus Initiatives
The University of Tokyo
Dr. Satoshi Watanabe was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Division for Global Campus Initiatives at UTokyo on April 1, 2021. He has been a Special Advisor to the President since 2019. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1989 and held research positions at the Research Development Corporation of Japan (predecessor of Japan Science and Technology Agency) and Hitachi, Ltd. until 1997. He joined the School of Engineering in 1997 as an associate professor and became a professor in 2004. He was the Director of the Center for International Affairs of the School of Engineering between 2015 and 2018.