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Yusuke Kajihara
Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo
Dr Yusuke Kajihara is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo. He is a member of DLX Design Lab. His research interests include dissimilar joining, passive nanoscale imaging, and terahertz measurements.

Robert Phaal
Director of Research, Institute for Manufacturing
University of Cambridge
Dr Robert Phaal is a Director of Research based in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He conducts research in the areas of strategic technology and innovation strategy, with particular interest in the development of practical management tools. He is a chartered engineer, with a PhD in computational mechanics, and industrial experience in technical consulting and software development.

Miles Pennington
Professor, Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo
Prof Miles Pennington has been based at The University of Tokyo since September 2017, where he helps direct the DLX Design Lab. Previously he was at the Royal College of Art in London as Head of Programme of the Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) programme. He was also Founder and Head of the international exchange programme Global Innovation Design (GID).
DLX Design Lab [ ]

Nathan Crilly
Professor, Engineering Design Centre
University of Cambridge
Nathan Crilly is Professor of Design at the Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge. He conducts research into how products, systems and services are designed and developed, focusing on designers' creativity and users' experiences. Nathan combines a variety of research approaches in his work, including experimental and qualitative methods of empirical investigation, and integrative scholarly methods for conceptual development. This work is interdisciplinary in nature, connecting ideas, methods and findings from different research traditions. In addition to his individual research, Nathan collaborates with researchers specialising in engineering, product design, psychology, computer science, complexity science, education, anthropology and philosophy.
Nathan is a member of the Editorial Boards for Design Studies and the International Journal of Design Creativity & Innovation. He held an Early Career Fellowship from the UK’s Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (from 2013-19), and the Crausaz Wordsworth Interdisciplinary Fellowship in Philosophy from the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities (in 2014). He is the academic lead on the Cambridge Advance Online course on 'Creativity, Problem Solving and Design Thinking'. He is also an external examiner for the 'Innovation Design Engineering' double Masters programme run jointly by Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art.