Title of event :
The Sixth Cambridge –UTokyo Joint Symposium Series Session One: COVID-19 related Research and Challenge (24 November 2021)
Date :
Brief overview :
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global challenge of a magnitude and complexity rarely seen in history. Researchers and scientists are playing a pivotal role in the global COVID-19 response. In this symposium, researchers from the University of Tokyo and University of Cambridge will present COVID-19 related research and projects conducted in the two institutions. The session will cover a wide range of topics, from clinical trials and treatments, mental health, to students’ health management and healthcare worker screening. We would like to invite you to join this timely conversation among leading experts in this area, to build your understanding of COVID-19 and how it has changed our lives in so many different ways. The symposium will have opening remarks from a Pro-Vice-Chancellor of University of Cambridge and an Executive Vice President of the University of Tokyo, highlighting the partnership between the two world-leading universities.