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ENS-UTokyo Workshop on Physics

March 25-26, 2024
ENS Paris

ENS and UTokyo held a joint workshop on physics in Paris. From UTokyo, 8 faculty members and 1 professor emeritus participated and discussed about research and exchange possibilities. This year, 9 UTokyo graduate students and 1 research associate also participated in the workshop, and gave flash talks and poster presentations on their research.

●Participants and topics from UTokyo:

- Seigo Tarucha (professor emeritus), RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science, "Coherent Coupling of Two Semiconductor Nanostructure-Superconductor Junctions"
- Shuntaro Takeda, Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering, "Time-multiplexed programmable continuous-variable photonic quantum computing"
- Masayuki Hashisaka, The Institute for Solid State Physics, "Electrical and thermal transport through interacting fractional edge channels"
- Kazuhiko Hirakawa, Institute of Industrial Science/LIMMS, "Evaporative electron cooling in semiconductor heterostructures"
- Kaori Sugihara, Institute of Industrial Science, "Mechanochromic polymer, polydiacetylene, for force-, bio-sensing applications"
- Mio Murao, Graduate School of Science, "“Advanced” fully-quantum learning: Higher-order quantum algorithm for inverting unknown unitary operations"
- Koji Hukushima, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, "Lifted Simulated Tempering: Breaking Detailed balance for efficient sampling"
- Naoto Tsuji, Graduate School of Science, "Leggett mode and Lifshitz invariant in multiband superconductors"
- R. Shimano, Cryogenic Research Center and Graduate School of Science, "Floquet engineering of three-dimensional Dirac electron systems"

(young researcher)
- Kazuyuki Kuroyama, Institute of Industrial Science, "Electrical detection of ultrastrong coupling in two-dimensional electron systems by using a quantum point contact"

●Participants and topics from Physics Department, ENS:

- G. Fève, "Time-domain braiding of anyons"
- J. Mangeney, "Coupling graphene quantum dots to resonators for THz quantum technology"
- S. Coco, "From sequence data to fitness predictions and design in RNA molecules"
- C. Gissinger, "Turbulence and Transport: Applications in Technology and Astrophysics"
- C. Scalliet, "How do atoms move close to the glass transition?"
- François Petrelis, "Earthquake statistical properties: an explanation for the distribution of magnitude and for the existence of aftershocks"
- T. Kontos, "Quantum sensing of axion dark matter with a phase resolved haloscope"
- A. Nahum, "Heisenberg spin chain with random-sign couplings"
- F. Werner, "High-order diagrammatic expansion around BCS Hamiltonians: Polarized superfluid phase of the attractive Hubbard model"

(young researchers)
- B. Hue, "Observation of microsecond-lived quantum states in carbon-based circuits"
- Michele Fava, "Detecting anyons through pump-probe spectroscopy"

More info:
Kazuhiko HIRAKAWA (Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
