There were several inquiries from faculty members at Tsinghua University to their counterpart faculty members at UTokyo regarding hosting visits by undergraduate student groups this summer.
So, in accordance with the strategic partnership arrangement, the School of Engineering organized and hosted one-day programmes, mainly focusing on campus introductions and laboratory tours. The following schools out of the 20 schools in total at Tsinghua University were selected for the visit. Rixin College, July. Weiyang College, July. Xingjian College, August. School of Material Science and Engineering, August. Others (to be confirmed). Each delegation consists of about 10-20 students per institute and a teacher. Examples of programmes:・Introduction of team activities at Tsinghua University
・UTokyo campus tour ・Face-to-face exchanges ・Visits to several laboratories In July, visits from Rixin College and Weiyang College were completed.In front of the Red Gate.
With ice water in hand, we toured the sights under the exceptionally interesting guidance of Associate Prof. Di Su, a specialist in architecture.
Laboratory of Chinese Language and Literature.
Professional and in-depth discussion with Prof Masahisa Suzuki .
Four students from the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Liberal Arts and five University of Tokyo international students took part in the exchange. Conversation on familiar topics such as daily research, study and social activities fostered sensitivity to inclusiveness and creative dialogue skills.
Student exchange.
90 minutes is not enough time to talk, so we will continue our conversation next time.